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United Appeal is funded through individual gifts. Your gift supports programs such as home health provided through Appalachian Community Visiting Nurse, Hospice & Heath Services, mentors for youth through Big Brothers Big Sisters, and food supplies from Athens County Food Pantry.

Your gift also makes Athens County 211 possible.

We are grateful for the generous contributions of our neighbors and friends. Over the past 5 years, you have given $1.5 million that has been invested in the community of care and changed the way Athens Countians find help.

Receive a Buck-A-Week discount card with a minimum contribution of $52. United Appeal sponsors donate discounts as a way of thanking you for your generosity. Receive 10% off every time you visit Athens County locations of: Sonic Drive-In, Wendy's, and Taco John's; and receive 25% off every time you shop at Rocky Outdoor Gear Store.

United Appeal is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization; federal tax identification number 31-4424936. We do not publish individual donor names, nor do we add you to any mailing lists. We may send you a mailed request once a year to consider an annual gift.

For your convenience, we offer three ways to make your gift.

Give online

Enter your gift amount and click on DONATE. This will take you to PayPal to process your payment. You don't have to log in or have a PayPal account to make a donation.

Give by phone
We can process credit card gifts by phone. Call 740-592-1293 to make your gift.

Give by mail
You may download, print and complete our donation form here. You may choose a one-time gift, or we will bill you in increments if you prefer to make a longer term pledge.

Please make your check or money order payable to United Appeal and send it with your donation form to:

United Appeal for Athens County
396 Richland Ave
Athens, OH 45701

In addition to financial gifts, United Appeal and hundreds of other non-profits right in your neighborhood thrive on volunteers. Call 211 or visit 211athenscounty.org for more information about where you can volunteer.


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